REMESO Inaugural Symposium 14 -15 May, 2009
Tid: 14-15 maj 2009
Plats: Linköpings universitet - Campus Norrköping. Linköping
Arrangör: REMESO - The Institute for Research on Migration, Ethnicity and Society
"Migration, Citizenship and Precarious Labour: Global and Regional Perspectives in Times of Crisis
Dear Colleague and REMESO friend;
To mark the inauguration of The Institute for Research on Migration, Ethnicity and Society – REMESO – at Linköping university we would like to welcome You to take part in the symposium Migration, Citizenship and Precarious Labour – Global and Regional Perspectives in Times of Crisis, on Thursday, May 14, 2009, and a workshop on method and funding in migration research on the following day and of course to celebrate with us.
14 May - Lecture Hall K2, in "Kåkenhus", Campus Norrköping
9:00-9:50 Coffe, registration and informal gathering
9:50-10:00 Welcome: Carl-Ulrik Schierup, Director of REMESO
10:00-12:30 Whats Is Going On? Global Restructuring and Regional Integration
12:30-14:00 Luch for registered attendants
14:00-16:30 Whats Is To Be Done? Citizenship, Industrial Relations, Civil Society
17:30-18:45 Reception /REMESO welcomes all registered attendants to an inagural reception in the staff room, Bomullsspinneriet, 4th floor, Campus Norrköping.
15 May
13:30-15:30 Workshop: Crossing disciplinary divides: Methodological challenges and funding opportunities."
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Sista anmälningsdag är 30 mars 2009
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