Citizenship Education Facing Nationalism and Populism in Europe: Strategies – Competencies – Practice
Tid: 6-8 november 2008
Plats: Sofia, Bulgarien
Arrangörer: Federal Agency for Civic Education, the Foundation
“Remembrance, Responsibility and Future”, the Goethe Institute Bulgaria, Austrian Federal Ministry for Education, Arts and Culture, Centre for Liberal Strategies (Bulgarien), Centre for Citizenship Education (Poland) och Allianz Kulturstiftung.
Ur inbjudan:
"One of the conference’s starting points is to examine new expressions of nationalism and populism and seek explanations for what causes them. A second will focus on placing these swings in a European framework. Nationalist and populist currents, along with the identity and history policies they promote, pose a pan-European problem. The consequences for citizenship education, as well as the answers and concepts it provides, therefore have to be discussed anew and redefined in a multilateral fashion.
Practitioners and experts from all over Europe are invited to exchange interpretations and experiences of nationalism and populism at this European forum, and the chance formulate European answers to the challenges they pose."
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