Recent Trends in the Area of Asylum and Immigration


Tid: 22-23 november 2007
Arrangör: EIPA European Institute of Public Administration

The seminar will address the general EU approach in the areas of immigration and asylum. Parallel analysis and the tackling of both components - legal (economic) migration of third-country nationals, necesary for the achievement of the Lisbon agenda, and the fight against illegal immigration - have been required to ensure the integraity and credibility of the EU common Immigration Policy since its inception in 1999. Furthermore, the Hague Programme adopted in November 2004 set up the second-phase legislative and policy instruments in order to fully achieve a Common European Asylum System by 2010.

The main objective of the seminar is to provide participants with tools to help them understand the amin challanges facing the EU in the area of asylum and immigration. As most efforts are targeted at reducing illegal immigration, the seminar will focus on this issue. Best practices will be analysed, as will failures in the implementation of the various asylum and immigration instruments.

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