Generation in flux- International interdisciplinary conference on ethnicity, integration and family ties


Tid: 23-24 oktober 2008
Plats: Ständerhuset/Vetenskapernas hus, Helsingfors, Finland
Arrangörer: The Finnish Society for the Study of Ethnic Relations and International Migration (ETMU), The Finnish Youth Research Society, the Department of Social Psychology, University of Helsinki

The Finnish Society for the Study of Ethnic Relations and International Migration (ETMU) and The Finnish Youth Research Society have joined their forces and announce an international interdisciplinary conference “Generations in flux”. We invite researchers from different disciplines who address questions of age, life course, identity and migration. The conference offers an interdisciplinary forum for dialogue and exchange of diverse theoretical and empirical traditions. Our main objective is to discuss social and psychological processes, and forms of culture in generational encounters related to migration and new patterns of transmission of "the old to the new".

Key note speakers:
Nancy Foner (University of New York) David Sam (University of Bergen) Jean Phinney (University of Los Angeles) and Anna Rastas (University of Tampere) in dialogue

Marko Juntunen (University of Helsinki) and Viggo Vestel (NOVA) in dialogue

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