Beyond Identity Politics? Intersecting disability, ethnicity and religious identities
Tid: 21-22 oktober 2009
Plats: Stockholms universitet, Frescati campus
Arrangör: Stockholms universitet i samarbete med Norwegian University of Science and Technology och Nordic Centre of Excellence: Reassessing the Nordic Welfare Model
"Identity politics has occupied academic debate since the latter part of the 20th century and the demand for recognition of minority group identities and a will to combat discrimination have been at the core of the philosophy. During this period however, we have witnessed a backlash in acceptance for identity politics, as well for multiculturalism. The conference hopes to bring together those with an interest in the historical and current discussion concerning the issues of identity politics and multiculturalism, and aims to explore what can exist "beyond" this philosophy in terms of various forms of universalism."
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För frågor om konferensen kontakta gärna: Nicola Magnusson vid Pedagogiska institutionen vid Stockholms universitet,