XVII ISA World Congress of Sociology:


Tid: 11 - 17 juli 2010
Plats: Göteborg
Arrangör: 'Research Committee on Racism, Nationalism and Ethnic Relations RC05

"Call for papers for

Research Committee on Racism, Nationalism and Ethnic Relations RC05

Proposed sessions

* Session 1: Transnational social imaginaries: racial, ethnic and religious routes and barriers

* Session 2: Return migration in a time of crisis

* Session 3: Public space and issues of social integration

* Session 4: Diaspora? (Im)migration? Transnationalism?

* Session 5: Diasporic identification, gender and family

* Session 6: Researching ethnicity and ethnicising research

* Session 7: Islamophobia since 9/11

* Session 8: The need to understand 'Race' comparatively, globally and locally

* Session 9: Forced displacement and trafficking in persons: the variables of gender, race

* Session 10: Racial discrimination in Europe – ten years on

* Session 11: Racism, nationalism and globalization: Interethnic relations in Latin America and the Caribbean

* Session 12: Virtual ethnicity and the rise of new ethnicities

* Session 13: Nationalism, alienation and the Middle East

* Session 14: New theories of ethnicity in migration and post-migration situations

* Session 15: Confronting the politics of racialized sexualities: On regulating minority gender relations and sexualities

* Session 16: Femininities, masculinities and inter-ethnic intersections, contestations and competition in post-colonial plantation societies

* Session 17: Migration, leisure and community cohesion

* Session 18: Roundtable on ‘the role of transnational public intellectuals’

* Session 19: Roundtable. What is the point of our work? A critical reflection on the current state of the discipline

For more information on the sessions, see the 'Research Committee on Racism, Nationalism and Ethnic Relations RC05' section of the conference webpages here.

Paper abstracts (250 words) should be submitted by email directly to the session organizer(s) with a cc of your submission to the Programme Coordinator: Peter Ratcliffe, Peter.Ratcliffe@warwick.ac.uk.
Deadline: October 1, 2009.

More information on how to submit a paper on the conference webpages.