From Borders in Space to Borders in the Mind. Unity in diversity - different perspectives, common goals in the enlarged EU
Tid: Fredag 16 maj, kl. 9.30 - 12.30, kaffe serveras från kl. 9.00
Plats: Hotel Sheraton, Tegelbacken 6, Stockholm
Arrangör: SIEPS (Swedish Institute for European Policy Studies)
Ur inbjudan:
"To mark the 4th anniversary of the historic enlargement of the European Union to the East in 2004 and to present a joint Swedish-Polish contribution to the ongoing European debate a conference will be To mark the 4th anniversary of the historic enlargement of the European Union to the East in 2004 and to present a joint Swedish-Polish contribution to the ongoing European debate a conference will be arranged in Stockholm. The goal is to to discuss the identity of Europeans, the influence of still existing mental and psychological division lines on the current and prospective European agenda, and the better use of the European diversity in stimulating the progress of the European integration process."
-Moderator: Pawel Swieboda, President of demos EUROPA, the Centre for European Strategy in Warsaw. Presenterar även rapporten "Unity in diversity - different perspectives, common goals in the enlarged European Union"
- Panel:
Håkan Jonsson, State Secretary in the Prime Minister’s Office, Stockholm
Mikolaj Dowgielewicz, State Secretary and Head of the Office of the Committee for European Integration, Warsaw
Andrzej Olechowski, former Finance and Foreign Minister of Poland
Hillevi Larsson, Member of the Swedish Parliament
Jacub Swiecicki, The Swedish Institute for International Affairs
Maciej Zaremba, journalist and author
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