Seminar: Citizenship and Integration Policies in EU Member States

Maastricht, Nederländerna

Tid: 1-3 december 2008
Plats: Maastricht, Nederländerna
Arrangör: European Institute of Public Administration

Ur inbjudan:

"This seminar will focus on the politics and practice of integrating immigrants into European host societies. The arrival of immigrants with diverse cultural backgrounds presents European host societies with important political dilemmas concerning the accommodation of this new cultural diversity. Language, and more generally, education, is often seen as important for the participation of newcomers and their descendants in the social, economic and political life of their new country of residence. In Europe, there is a clear trend of introducing so-called ‘civic integration tests’, which require immigrants - sometimes even before arriving in their new country - to obtain skills and knowledge which are deemed necessary for a successful integration process. With regard to cultural backgrounds of immigrants, for example concerning religious practices, the debate is much more politicised and also historically characterised by different ideas of citizenship across countries. Whereas in republican France for example, there was a fierce ‘headscarf debate’, this debate has been notably absent in the more multicultural United Kingdom."

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Konferensen äger rum samtidigt som av NTG-asyl & integration m fl anordnade konferensen Sverige i Europa, Europa i världen. Interkulturell dialog med fokus på värdegemenskaper och förändringsprocesser - med ett snarlikt tema.