Conference on “Migration Literature” – Writing in a second language

Tid: 23 april 2008, kl. 10.30-18.00 + kvällsprogram kl. 20-23
Plats: Bryssel, European Economic and Social Committee (EESC), Jacques Delors Building, 6th floor

This conference aims to present and promote a very specific type of literature and its impact on Intercultural Dialogue and on multilingualism within the 2008 European Year of Intercultural Dialogue. The key objectives of the conference are: information on “migration literature” and on “migrant writers” in EUNIC countries; raising awareness on their intercultural impact both within the country of their second language, but also on their impact in their country of origin; comparing the status quo in various EU-member states; formulating recommendations to improve the status of “migrant authors” aimed at the literature markets, at the European cultural scenes, etc.

Läs programmet på hemsidan för Europeiska året för interkulturell dialog