Determinants of Immigrants’ Early Labor Market Integration och Do Introduction Programs Affect the Probability of Immigrants getting Work?
I två intresseväckande studier har nationalekonomen Elisabeth Svantesson undersökt effekterna av de kommunala introduktionsprogrammen för flyktingar. Hennes studier visar att programmen i flera fall har en negativ effekt, dvs personer som deltar i programmen har lägre sysselsättningsgrad än övriga invandrare.
Abstract Determinants...: "This study investigates conditions favouring early labor marketintegration for immigrants in Sweden. The study is based on a survey among immigrants just two and a half years after they received a permanent residence permit. Factors such as work experience; Swedish spouse and the local labor market conditions influence the likelihood in getting a job during the first years in Sweden.
The results also indicate gender differences. The level of education only matters for men while fluency in language is favourable only for women. Surprisingly,those participating in an introduction program organized by the local municipalities do not have a higher probability of getting work early after arrival."
Abstract Do Introduction Programmes...: "Many immigrants who come to Sweden are offered an introduction program. This is supposed to allow the individual to develop the skills he or she needs to be able to enter the Swedish labor market.
With a unique Swedish dataset, containing information on introduction activities, we investigate the impact of different introduction activities on the immigrants’ employment probability, in a short-run perspective. Our basic findings are that some activities, such as labor market practice, have a positive effect, while other activities do not seem to have any impact or even negative effect on the individuals’ probabilities of getting a job."